Introducing Psychological Research
Introducing Psychological Research
Introducing Psychological Research (2nd edition)
This is the best selling of all the books I have authored/edited. Co-authored with Phil Banyard, it aims to bridge the gap between A level and undergraduate study. It summarises key studies in psychology and supports students as they transition from reading text books to original research papers. The text is in its third edition. I always preferred the second.
It's available from Amazon: Introducing Psychological Research
There is an unformatted sample of one of the studies summarised in the book here: Summary of Orne (1962)
‘The two authors have done a superb job of writing this book. The style is...crystal clear in presenting complex ideas in simple language, provides a 1990s idiom to articles that in the original versions would seem to today's students to represent the Middle Ages... Anyone who teaches introductory psychology should take a look at this book' - Contemporary Psychology
Amazon customer reviews
The textbook summarises famous studies in psychology, and encourages students to think about key concepts.